Generation: Master
Video Quality: VG+
Audio Quality: EX
Source Information: PC
Number of Discs: 1
Video Format: NTSC
Filming Type: Audience
Menus: Yes
Chapters: Yes
Authored By Me? Yes
Video Summary:
This show is unfortunately incomplete, but what was shot is quite good. The taper unfortunately doesn't decide to zoom until the end of The end of the Line (the first half of that song is cut anyway) but once he starts zooming things improve dramatically. So if you are watching this show, give it a chance through the first couple of songs - it does improve! The included alternate source (two songs) is pretty bad though, just a warning. It's extremely compressed and has no zoom whatsoever.
Audio Summary:
Two audio selections - soundboard and the source.
- The Ecstasy of Gold
- That Was Just Your Life
- The End Of The Line (cut)
- Ride The Lightning
- The Memory Remains
- One
- Broken, Beat And Scarred (Missing)
- Cyanide (Missing)
- Sad But True
- Wherever I May Roam (Missing)
- For Whom The Bell Tolls (Missing)
- The Day That Never Comes (Missing)
- Master Of Puppets
- Damage, Inc. (Missing)
- Nothing Else Matters (cut, but with slideshow)
- Enter Sandman (Missing)
- Into The Coven jam (Missing)
- Last Caress (Missing)
- Hit The Lights (Missing)
- Seek and Destroy (Missing)
Taken from 2nd source (filmer’s sister)
Ride the Lightning
Seek and Destroy (cut)
Cover Art/Labels: Disc Label